On Wednesday, Marcus Rashford scored a free kick from 35 yards out as if it some beach football to win the EFL Cup tie with Chelsea and send United into the quarter finals.

The 22-year-old however admits that all is still not well with the club who has Ole at the wheels.

Other than football tabloids who wants to grab reader’s attention at all cost by cashing in on the temporary enthusiasm of a city that just won a tie in a cup not even kindergarten kids rate as anything more than a rubber trophy, it is refreshing to see someone on the inside come out and sound that people should not get carried away so much that they forget that they have an actual problem at the club that is yet to be solved.

The last time United witnessed that kind of beach football out of the blue magical free kick was none other than Cristiano’s impossible to describe drive against Portsmouth that left their goalkeeper standing and staring at the ball like a statue. Legend has it that David James is still standing in awe till this day.

That time was way too different from now though. Back then beach football tricks were a bonus not a prayer. It was the kind of treat you get once the players feel they’ve done enough for the day.

If RaRashford didn’t curl in that winner, the story might have changed and the same tabloids that are calling him a hero today will be busy nailing him to a national crossshford didn’t curl in that winner, the story might have changed and the same tabloids that are calling him a hero today will be busy nailing him to a national cross.

Luckily for the young chap, he knows and speaking to reporters after the match, he said:

“We are still getting through that phase and the only way to do it is to fight your way through it and get three points.”